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​famous school, myth


In order to get their children into so-called prestigious schools, more and more parents are spending a lot of money to hire educational consultants to build their resumes and enrich their backgrounds, hoping to stand out from many competitors and give their children a gold-plated education. Many top universities in the United States have made parents flock to them. As long as their children can enter the school, it seems that they will get a ticket to enter the victory group in the future. This has also created many higher education consulting companies on the market.


It is understandable to have the guidance of a dedicated person and enter the desired university, but in the case of increasingly fierce competition, and the eagerness of parents to want their children to climb to the top of the pyramid, it is not only common among Asian parents and students. It turns out that American high school students who advertised a free ethos are under a lot of pressure, and even more than that.


Consultants rely on their connections, information about schools, and various methods, such as participating in sports guided by professional coaches, participating in high-end summer camps, and participating in internships in well-known companies, so that parents with fairly good financial ability are willing to pay for it. But this also makes some middle- and lower-class children a distant dream for entering a famous university, and it is a distant dream, so the gap between the rich and the poor is widening.


Moreover, in the past few years, some methods of dishonesty and deception have emerged one after another, such as experience fraud, essay writing and so on. All of these make people reflect on the fairness of American education in a free atmosphere. Here, we will not comment on this, but instead have the following points to think about:


1. Is it the only goal in life for parents and children to enter a famous university?

2. Is the "learning road" piled up with money solid?

3. Is the child's bright academic qualifications for their future? Or to meet parental expectations?

4. After the children enter the university, there is still a long way to go in their life. Do parents still need to help them build the next journey?

5. What role should parents play in their children's "learning path" and "career path"?

6. Do you really need to dominate every learning process of your child as a consultant for further studies and learning, so that your child loses autonomy?

7. Children do need assistance and guidance on the way of learning, but is there a healthy and neutral leader who can let children’s true talents, interests, potentials and abilities be fully displayed?


The attributes and characteristics of each family are also different, and each parent's parenting style and expectations for their children are even more different. But in any case, as parents, we really have to remind ourselves from time to time: children are unique, and we need to accompany them and help them build their own lives, rather than applying a predetermined template to different children. As for whether you have to go to a prestigious school? Is it true that education must be gold-plated in order to achieve success? This is really not an established formula.

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